A stash of 80's 45s.....
Easter Parade children's 45 front and back 29cents ?

Grease container (has all the strainer parts etc,

This is a metal cake plate w/cover I couldn't pass up, even tho it has a few dents.

Howdy, and sorry I haven't posted for a few days! My best friend came up from the lake of the Ozarks and we have been on the go! Last night, I took her to downtown Kansas City to see the Power and Light district. I am so glad they have renovated the downtown area, including adding a lot of new restaurants and a vintage theatre. It's good to see people actually walking around doing things after dark again! We ate at a Thai place, really good Spring rolls with peanut sauce and some spicy basil shrimp dish that was awesome. Of course, today was filled up with thrift store shopping. We are definitely "partners in crime" in the thrift store world since way back when..and it's funny to see us try to get out of the car and run in first! (Don't tell her, but I kinda let her get first dibs on stuff, since she doesn't get to come up that often!) Here's some of the cool finds of the day-
Oh love the glass with the starburst design! Great finds!
Yes-I wish there would have been more than one! I don't know if you can tell, but there's gold and white starbursts. ZSM
I love the grease canister! I don't think I have ever seen one of those before!
Sounds like fun! The grease container is my favorite, too. You know, I forgot that we could still get 45's in the 80's. CD's have been around so long, I was surprised to see Madonna and Prince on the records.
I guess being my age(55) I always remember the grease cans on the stove. This one's cool because it has a strainer, and the little red ball on top looks like Saturn! HA! Thanks for stopping by! And, what was strange this weekend, my friend was in town, and we found 2 grease containers. Both different.
Chickens-I know! Vinyl was still around! I should have bought every one they had. It was like a who's who of eighties singles!
Awsome blue vinyl & grease can I would not have been able to pass those up either.
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