Ok, this Mother's Day weekend turned out really great! First, my oldest son, his wife and the two baby girls came over, then my youngest son called, and my daughter and her boyfriend took us all out to eat dinner (grandma too!). I bought some more flowers, got 8 tomoato plants planted and one pepper plant, and have some more to plant tomorrow. Love flowers! Can ya tell? I'll post pix of my groovy mothers day gifts, but the best gift is just being with my family.
It wasn't the most fruitful of garage sale weekends, but I did score a "cannister set"- silver chrome and black, the kind with the slide out "bins". And -last but not least- A VCR tape! (yes I still watch them)-"Making Mr Right"...a movies in which a very "80's girl falls for an android...Her house is to die for, all retro and vintage fifties! Remember, it all came back in the eighties!