and speaking of long hauls...just to let you all know, I haven't forgotten you! All but two have been sent, but I don't have addresses! Brooksie and Jenny Mae! send addresses to!
Well, this last week was a doooozy! More on that later. Wanted to show you the slight transformation from Halloween to Autumn in the little guest room...This is my chickenwire and leaves lamp shade. Weirrrrd. Then, I found some orange sheers and topped them with some mod fifties orange and gold patterned curtains. I found lots of pillows. The desk is covered in a gold fall tablecloth and a fall leaf scarf. Just had to make it cute for Merilee, my bestest friend!
The dining room changed to Autumn too, until after this Thursday, when Christmas makes it's arrival. I had the craziest couple of weeks. Studying for comprehensive exams, where I had to write totally essay questions for about 41/2 hours, then accidently took my lil Angel dog's Lasix...water pill for congestive heart failure. This was the day last weekend when I was setting up for a flea market. Well, when it hit me, it didn't just make me pee...but deathly ill, vomiting dizzy etc.. I had to just go home puke and rest all day and night. Thank God my friend was here and packed up for me, cuz I was out of it. I guess my Potassium bottomed out..scary. How does a little 4o lb Beagle handle it? Well, she has fluid buildup, and needs it!
Then, I took my comps, and boy, was that a relief to get over with! I will find out this week if I get to graduate in December...formalities, ya know. But I am DONE! Now my goal is to take the exam for drug and alcohol counselor (another degree I started a while back).
Well, sorry about the delay in posts. I promise, your goodies are on the way!
Love, Zootsuitmama